How much does neurofeedback cost?

Photo via Polina Zimmerman

Imagine being able to rewrite the story your brain is telling you on a biological level. With the help of modern neurosciences, you can help your brain waves adapt to more positive patterns of activity. This process is called neurofeedback training, and it's a non-invasive therapy that can be done in a therapist's office or from the comfort of your own home.

While neurofeedback therapy may be at the forefront of neuroscience, it can still be accessible to many families. Whether you choose to incorporate neurofeedback into your existing therapy session or to bring neurofeedback therapy into your own home through a monthly equipment rental, you can still use this technology to live a healthier, more balanced life.

What is neurofeedback therapy?

Neurofeedback therapy is a non-invasive method for both measuring brainwaves and helping patients to gain greater control over typically involuntary body functions. This means that through neurofeedback therapy or brain training, you can manage how your brain and body interact and regulate any issues you may be struggling with.

While this technology can be used on nearly any ailment or struggle, neurofeedback treatment studies show particularly positive results when it comes to improving relaxation, treating anxiety disorders, OCD, PTSD, developmental delays and behavior disorders, neurological issues, and brain injuries. According to the Center for Brain, a Florida-based treatment center, "The success rate commonly quoted by clinicians and in published scientific research for neurofeedback for certain conditions is 75%-80%."

What does neurofeedback cost?

Neurofeedback treatment is like going to the gym: how much it costs will depend on your goals, what your local gym charges, and how far your goals are from where you're starting.

Thankfully, unlike going to the gym, there are many flexible treatment options so you can find a solution that works for your lifestyle and goals.

A typical neurofeedback training session in a clinical setting can cost anywhere from $100 to more than $200 (similar to other forms of mental health therapy). You can also buy or rent a neurofeedback machine to use at home instead of paying by the session.

How quickly can I expect to see results and do the benefits stick?

The goal of neurofeedback is to track your brain waves and allow your mind and body to communicate better and increase performance. However, the number of sessions necessary in order to see results depends on your individual goals and struggles.

For some people, 10 or 20 neurofeedback sessions are enough to complete their training or therapy, but for others, it can take 50 or 100 sessions. However, most people will notice at least some change within the first 2 or 3 sessions of neurofeedback treatment. 

Neurofeedback therapy can be used as a tool to help ease symptoms for many mental health disorders and neurological/behavioral issues, including:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

  • Seizure disorders

  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Traumatic brain injury

  • Epilepsy

  • Anxiety

  • Chronic pain/illness

  • Depression

  • Grief


  • Sleep Issues

  • Cognitive enhancement (athletic or academic)

Is neurofeedback covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, there's no clear-cut answer.

Whether or not your health insurance will cover neurofeedback training or therapy will depend on your individual insurance provider. While we offer flexible payment options to keep therapy accessible, we do recommend talking to your insurance provider about what types of neurofeedback options, if any, they will cover.

Visiting a neurofeedback specialist

How much does a neurofeedback session cost?

The cost of neurofeedback training will vary depending on the specialist you choose to work with and the goals you have for your mental health. We recommend setting up a consultation with your therapist to discover what payment options they offer.

At Ohana Neurofeedback, we offer other therapy options in addition to our NeurOptimal neurofeedback rental program. You can also add neurofeedback to your in-office therapy sessions for an additional $30 per session.

How do I find neurofeedback treatment near me?

There are a few online directories that can help you to find a neurofeedback specialist or equipment rental provider near you:

Ohana Neurofeedback would be happy to help you decide on the right treatment method for you and your family. Contact us to learn more about how we use neurofeedback therapy to help our clients.

Can I do neurofeedback therapy at home?

The short answer: yes! But not with every neurofeedback machine.

While a lot of neurofeedback equipment manufacturers require extensive setup and complicated protocols for consumers to use their machines, we love to recommend NeurOptimal neurofeedback machines for clients who want to use this technology at home.

What is NeurOptimal?

NeurOptimal features a fully automated system that makes it perfect for consumers to conduct sessions independently without the need for a complicated setup or a neurofeedback specialist to be present. This system also eliminates any side effects that can result from other forms of neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback machine rental

Ohana Neurofeedback offers monthly neurofeedback machine rentals for individuals and families who want to use neurofeedback to improve mental performance at home. This means no more paying per session or time-consuming visits to a specialist's office. With our flexible rental and coaching options, you can practice brain training and neurofeedback therapy as often as you want from the comfort of your home.

NeurOptimal rental

By offering NeurOptimal equipment rentals, we hope to empower families to practice brain training in a comfortable and accessible setting. NeurOptimal's fully automated system means an easy setup process and none of the side effects which can accompany traditional neurofeedback systems.

NeurOptimal rental prices

Ohana Neurofeedback offers equipment rentals starting at $1,000 per month including shipping. We also offer long-term rental discounts for families looking to rent our NeurOptimal machines for more than one month.

How Soon Can I Get My Rental?

With Ohana Neurofeedback, delivery times can vary depending on availability. However, we do our best to ship in-stock units within a few days of receiving your order.

What if something goes wrong or I can’t figure it out?

We know it can seem intimidating to set up a therapy device in your own home. If you have any trouble with a NeurOptimal rental from Ohana Neurofeedback, just send us an email and we’ll be happy to help you with any issues.

How much does a neurofeedback machine cost?

Neurofeedback machines can cost upwards of $7,000 - $10,000 depending on the type of machine. But you can occasionally find used equipment for a lower price through online marketplaces.

Where can I find neurofeedback equipment for sale?

While purchasing your own system can be much more expensive than rental or in-office options, there are a few retailers which offer neurofeedback equipment for sale:

Ohana Neurofeedback also has resources to help you find a sales option that works for your budget. Contact us to learn more about purchasing your own NeurOptimal system.

Brain training at home

Neurofeedback therapy is a valuable tool for many families struggling with chronic health issues, behavioral challenges, or mental illness. The cost of therapy can vary, but flexible payment options and rental opportunities make it more accessible.

Give neurofeedback therapy a try if you are looking for an effective way to improve the mental and physical health of you or your family! 

Want to learn more about neurofeedback? Contact us to talk about rental options and how neurofeedback therapy can help your ohana.


What is neurofeedback therapy?